General questions

What is Le-AI?

Le-AI is an open-source (opens in a new tab) third-party client based on the OpenAI API. Its vision is to provide users with high-quality aggregated AI services through the capabilities provided by the OpenAI API. It includes:

  • Basic question and answer functionality
  • Text generation
  • Image generation
  • Code generation
  • Text-to-speech conversion
  • AI character library
  • Multi-platform clients
  • And more features

Can Le-AI be used for free?

Because most of the functions of Le-AI are powered by OpenAI, you can use most of the features of Le-AI for free with an OpenAI API Key. The related costs will be deducted directly from your API Key.

At the same time, in order to facilitate friends who do not have an OpenAI API Key or have limited access, we also provide OpenAI API proxy service.

Can I use my own proxy service?

Yes. By default, Le-AI uses the official services provided by OpenAI, but you can also configure your own proxy service. In addition, you can also use Le-AI API to experience the functionality of Le-AI.

Can I use models other than OpenAI?

In previous versions, Le-AI supported models such as OpenAI, Azure OpenAI, and Claude AI implemented by OpenRouter. Due to some reasons, models other than OpenAI have been temporarily removed. We will consider adding Claude AI back in the future.

How to get support

You can contact me for support through the following methods: